Why Family Travel Transforms Your Kids’ Lives: a Conversation with Dr. Robert Jeffress

Dr. Robert Jeffress



Dr. Robert Jeffress, a well-known pastor, author and the host of Pathway to Victory, has spent his life guiding people to deepen their faith and live purposefully for Christ. His passion for travel goes beyond sightseeing—it’s a powerful way to connect with God, biblical history and family.

In this exclusive interview, he shares how travel has impacted his family and deepened his commitment to leading others on journeys that bring the Bible to life. Dr. Jeffress’ insights will inspire you as you plan your next exceptional travel experience!

Why is travel significant and how has it impacted your family?

I had two mentors in my life, Dr. W. A. Criswell, who was pastor here at my church for 50 years, and then Dr. Howard Hendricks at Dallas Theological Seminary. When I was a student under Professor Hendricks, I remember he commented that he spent some of his kids’ inheritance taking them places because it was the best investment he could make in his relationship with them.

I only understood that once I had my kids. We started taking our two girls with us at an early age and exposing them to biblical sites, which helped solidify their faith that what we believed in wasn’t mythological. It happened in a real time and space location.

It also allowed us to get away with our kids in another environment where they were not on the phone or the computer, and they had time for deeper conversations.

What’s one of your favorite memories of traveling with your kids?

I remember going to Oberammergau to the Passion Play in 2000, almost 25 years ago. We were in Switzerland with our kids, and one Saturday afternoon, we were taking a stroll through the little village we were staying in. And my oldest daughter started asking about rewards in heaven. Is everybody going to have the same rewards in heaven?

We had a great discussion that afternoon that I'm not sure we would’ve had in an everyday setting. So there’s something profitable about taking your family with you and anybody else who would like to go on an unforgettable experience.

Dr. Robert Jeffress addresses a crowd of tourists in a field dotted with olive trees on a sunny day.
Dr. Robert Jeffress leads a moment of reflection in the Garden of Gethsemane

Why are you so passionate about hosting travel experiences for others?

Well, it promotes their understanding of Scripture. You may think you understand Paul’s letter to the Ephesians. But walking down the streets of Ephesus helps you better understand the context of Paul’s letter. When you go to the Mamertine Prison in Rome, you can understand Paul’s boldness in choosing to be there rather than denounce Christ. And, of course, there’s nothing like standing in front of the empty tomb, in Jerusalem, and realizing Jesus isn’t there. He’s risen from the dead! Exposing people to biblical sites can help forge their faith.

As a pastor and leader, Christian travel is an excellent way to build deeper relationships with my people. I may only know them because I see their faces in the pews on Sunday morning. However, spending time with and getting to know them is a great way to develop meaningful connections with those I minister, including our Pathway to Victory television audience. Sometimes there’s no better way to do that than sharing a deep conversation over an ice-cream cone.

Dr Robert Jeffress lecturing to a group of tourists wearing hats, with a serene lake and a small dock in the background.
Dr. Robert Jeffress teaching at Capernaum National Park

Why have you partnered with Inspiration for your cruises and tours for so many years?

We’ve been privileged to travel with Inspiration since 2015. What motivates us to continue to travel with Inspiration is, number one, their attention to detail. They carefully think through everything and plan for every contingency.

As a leader, I can concentrate on delivering messages and building relationships without having to assist someone whose toilet is clogged or working with the cruise line to help them move cabins.

Inspiration frees me from being bogged down in detail, and I also love Inspiration because they understand my ministry. They treat the entire travel experience as a ministry event. That makes all the difference in the world!

What are the top three things you bring with you when you travel?

  1. The Bible
    Everything we do is based on the Bible and I have to have my Bible with me.
  2. A portable fan
    I need a cool breeze blowing on me at night, whether it’s in Israel or Alaska. I don’t care what the temperature is outside. I want a cool breeze and ambient noise to drown out other sounds.
  3. Microwave popcorn
    That’s my favorite next to ice cream. And there’s usually a place I can pop my popcorn.

So if I have those three things, I’m a happy camper.

How would you encourage those who are on the fence about booking a Christian cruise or tour?

There’ll always be a reason not to do something. But I think the time we have on earth is very limited and I think we need to make the most out of our time, as Paul said, to the Ephesian Christians, because the days we live in are evil. So I would encourage you to fill up your bucket!

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